Are You Ready to RESET for 2018?


My house cleaner is one of the most important players on my team. 

It sounds silly when I say it out loud, but without her, there is so much that I wouldn't get to do within my business because I'd be worrying about chores around our home. I'm a wife, after all, taking care of our home while still being a good CEO are thoughts that run wild in my mind on the daily!

This week was one of those weeks where everything was a HOT MESS. My Peruvian mother would say, "la casa esta patas arriba!" which translates into your house is upside down! Our house was in complete and utter disarray!

It made me stop and think about how it relates to being an entrepreneur. 

There are seasons where everything is a MESS. 

As much as you want to be that successful business woman that has everything organized, clean and in place within your life + business, there will be days maybe even weeks when that's not the case. There are going to be seasons where you lose track and it feels like certain areas of your life are falling apart. 

Do you ever notice how your house feels the cleanest it's ever been right after it was just at its dirtiest? 

When our house is a hot mess, it usually means that my life is off balance. That's when I'm ready to hit the reset button.  After my house cleaner leaves, it's incredible the difference I feel. It's a whole new beginning.

I wholeheartedly believe that if you want to be a success you first need to feel like a success. For me, that's getting organized and prepped before I dive into my business. And, there's no better time than a brand new year for a brand new beginning.

Darling, Are You ready for 2018 to be the beginning of your reset?

Make it your opportunity to have a fresh start! Forget about the mess that you have made in the past. Stop feeling guilty, just clean it up and start over! If you live in the past and sulk over the mess that you've made, you won't ever move forward.

Clean up your mess. Prepare for what's to come. And start moving forward!

Lots of love,

- Beth & The SS Team xo

P.S. When I first start my own online business, I dreeeeamed of hitting $5K months!! Seriously, I used to dream about what I could do with that extra $5,000. If you’re a newbie to business or maybe you’ve been running your biz for a while, but still struggle just to make a few hundred dollars each month then you are going to love this!! I’ve put together a 4-part training for you called From Broke To $5K Months. It comes with a bonus Business Planner and Checklist too!! 💃🏻💰💻💋 Snag it here.