Why Your Business Should Fund Your Travels in 2018


As the year kicks off, I bet you keep hearing a lot about this topic…

There is actually a lot of psychology behind it too!

And, I’m a big fan!!

Since starting my business, one of my main goals has been for part of my business profits to fund my travels. 

My dream and vision has always been to create a laptop lifestyle!

I wanted to have the ability to fly home when I wanted to. Book flights for a romantic trips to Paris. Fly to Dublin for a friends bachelorette party. Take a dream trip to Israel with friends!

All this and more has actually come true in my life all thanks to my business.

So what’s everyone talking about? 

All about New Year resolutions and goal setting for 2018!

Most of us love having a starting line.

We're wired to need a fresh start which is why we choose to start new habits like eating healthy or going to the gym on Monday's or at the beginning of the year while we have a clean slate!

I know you’ve got a deep desire to see the world and the travel bug has bit you hard in 2018!

Here’s a little peek at some of my most recent trips!


I believe in community over competition so please don’t compare your life to mine. I hope that, instead, my photos are an example of what is possible in your life too!

Without the income or the freedom to work from wherever, all of these trips would never have happened. 

Your business can open up the chance to do things you never thought possible!

Maybe for you, it's buying a house or buying those shoes you've had your eyes on for years or maybe it's paying off your debt!

Use your business not only to make an impact on your clients but to fund your personal dreams! After all, we all need motivators to encourage us to work hard!

Lots of love,

- Beth & The SS Team xo

P.S. Did you know Start-Up Society is starting another round! Join us today!