Why you should take more responsibility


Do ever find yourself day dreaming and craving MORE from your life?

Whether it be more money, more time, more fun, more food (#foodie)! 

However, how often do you want more of something but aren't making the moves necessary to earn it?

If you want to make more money, what are you doing about it?

Are you launching the business idea you’ve been talking about for years?

Are you enrolling in courses that will help you pick up the know-how-to business?

Are you looking for better opportunities?

It’s easy to make ourselves the victim of our circumstances but you have to be willing to take ownership of the things that are happening or that we want to happen!

My right hand woman at Steadfast Society, Christy, recently told me about an awful experience being involved in a hit and run when she was 39 weeks pregnant with her daughter. 


She got out to get insurance information and the man literally just drove off!!!


After the accident there were so many things to do. 


She had to file a police report, report the claim to the insurance, go see her doctor to make sure the baby was healthy, take her vehicle to the shop to get fixed, and then had to identify the suspect! 


It would have been so easy for her to just give up. 


The accident wasn't her fault after all. She had no control over the driver.


We DO have control over our reaction though! 


She bravely faced the situation versus letting it affect her. 


So what about you, Beth?


Maybe your clothes feel a little too snug. Are you blaming the food industry instead of taking responsibility to get fit?


Maybe you made a bad business investment? Are you blaming the company/person instead of putting your energy into growing your business?


It's time to have a good attitude and move forward!


You can either stay stuck being the victim or you can take responsibility and do something to change your outcome and results! 


Beth you are not a victim, you are a warrior!


Remember, we can take ANY experience from our life and use it to launch us even further!


So I want you to take five minutes today and think of three things you can do this month to get you closer to your dreams so you can finally achieve the "more" you’ve been wanting.


Hit reply to share them with me!


Lots of love,


Beth & the SS Team xo


P.S. We only have ONE spot left for our brand NEW Private Coaching program. 


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