There's still hope for your 2018 goals!


Have you given up on eating healthy, going to the gym 3-4 times a week or maybe you’ve already forgotten about going after your dream of creating a financially thriving business? 

Gosh, I wish you knew how often I fail so that you’d know you’re not alone in not always reaching a goal you set.

Luckily, one of my strengths (according to Gallups Strengths Finders and all my friends) is that I’m an extremely positive person!

This has helped me so much as an entrepreneur.

And I get can be annoying or even feel unrealistic to be so optimistic!

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But here’s how I use my positivity...

(Side note. This guy, my nephew Shiloh, keep me pretty excited about life!) 

I use the hope and faith I have and put it into restarting or trying again at any time.

I love new weeks, new months or new years for a fresh start. Having a starting line is always so helpful but the reality is that you CAN start whenever you want!!

I love this quote,

"Never use your failure yesterday as an excuse for not trying again today. We may not be able to undo damage, but we can always make a new start!"

The first month of the year has flown past us and it’s up to us to decide how the rest of this first quarter is going to go.

You might be kicking yourself for falling short on your goals already but you have the choice to do something about it now.

Will you start going to the gym (because it’s not about losing all the weight but about feeling amazing)?

Will you finally invest time into your marriage (because you know the hard work will pay off with a lifetime of happiness)?

Will you risk it all for your dreams (because you know it’s an even greater risk to just stay stuck unhappily at your 9-5)? 

You’ve got what it takes to claim the life and business of your dreams. It’s time to go for it.

I might sound like a broken record but I don't want you to miss this!!

If you haven't already downloaded our 2018 Vision Workbook (or maybe you downloaded it but haven't actually filled it out) here's another chance to make a game plan for your year!

>>> Download 2018 Vision Workbook

A lot can change in one year. 

Seriously, I've seen how much my little nephew has transformed in one year of life! Tomorrow is his first birthday and he's a completely different little boy than when he came into the world last year! 

It's NEVER too late to get started.

The best is yet to come!

Lots of love,

Beth & the SS team xo


P.S. My one-on-one private coaching program has been closed for months and have been redesigning our program to make it everything our clients truly need to succeed!!

We're partnering with all types of business experts to provide both coaching support (you don't have to do this process alone) as well as done-for-you services (no more tech stress)!!

Over the last few years, we've noticed that the tech stuff can be a huge hurdle for our clients. In fact, it can eat up 1-2 months from our client's timeline. We're excited to be able to solve this problem with our hybrid package that will give you both coaching + tech support.

Can't wait to reveal the new Private Coaching page on our site! Spots will be VERY limited for 2018. If you'd like to get on our waitlist, email us and we'll be in touch!

Please note, this is a $7K investment. Spots are limited. Once the first 5 spots are filled the price will go up. Get on the waitlist NOW!