5 Hacks To Reinventing Your Instagram Stories

Photo by Amanda Julca

Photo by Amanda Julca

A while ago I had decided to restructure my social media, and I realized that I just wasn't loving all of the platforms that I was on. It had become so much work just to keep up with each platform, so I decided to narrow it down to where I really could shine.  

Instagram stories LIT ME UP. 

It was fun for me, it was natural to be on and so easy! I have always loved Instagram, and this new feature made it even more personable!

I made the crazy decision to shut down my Facebook group! 


I know that seems insane considering this group easily had over 1000 members. My heart just wasn't in it. I will occasionally check my business Facebook page, but most of the action is all taking place on Instagram!

Feel free to follow me here!

Did you know that people are looking at Instagram stories MORE than they are looking at posts!? I had found my outlet!

I've come up with a few tips/hacks to navigate through the world of Instagram Stories and show up as the best version of YOU and it is crucial that I share them with you!


Yes, your dog Fluffy is cute, but you can't just share a photo of your dog and leave it at that. The person watching your story has NO CONTEXT of where you are, what you are doing or who you are with (except that you're with Fluffy!). 

You cannot just post random photos or videos and not share anything about what is going on!

Share with the viewer where you are with a location tag of the restaurant or the hashtag of an event you're sitting in! Write in a small caption to really tell a story!

If you need to share various photos to tell the story, do it! 


This is your chance to show the behind the scenes of your business! You can teach and educate depending on your business type.

If you are a photographer, show the filter or lenses you use and love! 

I personally love to share big wins, program launches, and entrepreneur tips!

Engage with your audience by asking them to respond to you! Ask a question, take a poll, become best friends!


Whatever you can do to show up online every day, even if it's just sharing a quote or spotlighting another account, show up in front of your audience! 

Do your best to give value when you do show up! That's why I love quotes because it motivated and inspires my audience. 

The more you post, the more likely they are to want to see your content and come back to your stories!

4. Personalize Your Photos

You want your audience to get to know YOU! 

I highly recommend you make those photos more personal! Also, it's a bonus if you can make them on target with your brand!

Some of my favorite apps that I use to personalize my photos are InShot and VSCOCam.

I use InShot for Instagram stories because it will format for stories. I can do photos and videos and it's basically the only thing I use for Insta stories! I use VSCOCam to edit my photos for posts (which will occasionally go on my stories).


If you want to stay present throughout the day, save your content until the end of the day!

I love to grab lunch or coffee with a friend, but no one likes it when you spend the whole time on your phone. I will snap a quick pic and then spend quality time with my friend or my husband! 

At the end of my day, or if there is a break in between my day, I will share the photo! This gives me time to edit them and make them beautiful!

I would much rather stay present and be with my friends or family and then I will edit the photo and upload at the end of the day! I encourage you to stay present in your life and save the social media posts for later!

So Babe, I challenge you to show up EVERY DAY on your Instagram this week! 

For one week, post every day and tag me in your photos! 

Share about the challenge and let's chat! I will be posting every day from today until Tuesday. Let's do this together!