How To Go From Princess To Resilient CEO


I don't know about you, but I grew up with movies like Cinderella and The Little Mermaid where a man always came to the rescue. I so wish I'd grown up with movies like Moana or Frozen where the leading lady is the one who saves the day. Because of I didn't have those movies, for most of my life I lived with the belief that a man would save me. 

Sooo cheesy, I know!  👸🏻 

Early on in life, all I wanted was to fall in love, get married, have kids, and be a mom (It's the dream of most Ohioans.

We're romantics at heart!). And, although I still very much want those things, I hadn't given a thought to the impact little old me could have on this world. Well, I had but I was ignoring it. I was only focusing on the impact I could make on my family, but deep down inside there was a desire for a greater impact! And, if I was being honest with myself, I was scared to believe I could do more. 

Can you relate?

When you're about to step into your life's purpose...

EVERYTHING will try to stop you because you're about to enter a brand new EPIC level, and your mind does NOT like to feel out of its comfort zone. 

When I started my business, I realized that I was the only one who could make it a success.

Now, I'm all about giving yourself grace. You can even ask my Start-Up Society girls! I'm constantly reminding them to STOP being hard on themselves or making themselves feel bad for the smallest things. BUT, when you allow unhealthy relationships, stressful tech issues, bad partnerships, disorganization, a poor mindset, haters, etc. to get in your way…

You've given up too quickly. It's up to you and ONLY YOU to save the day.

So, are you going to be the heroine of your EPIC story? 

Lots of love,

Beth xo

P.S. I have something really exciting coming your way! For the last two months, I've been working on some BIG changes around here! You'll find out more next week!!! With that said, if your heart is set on joining us for the next round of Start-Up Society (we've got a juicy new payment plan!), reply to this email and we'll put you on the waitlist so that you're the first to know and get access to an exclusive waitlist offer!