How Getting Fired Can Be A Good Thing


Hi Darling,

Have you ever experienced the shame, anger, or frustration of getting fired? One of my crazy talented clients recently went through that experience and, truthfully, it just sucked. To make matters worse, she was also dealing with a bit of family drama.

Her plan was to quit before her birthday in a few months, but instead, her position was removed from the start-up she was working for. Don't you just hate 'the man' sometimes?! 

The weekend after all this happened, I received an email from a very overwhelmed client, understandably so. But, that's why she hired me, to coach her in her business and amidst the circumstances that stand in the way of her success.

My advice to her was to not see this as failure or allow herself to panic, but instead, see this as an opportunity. I went on to share times when unplanned occurrences in my life became life changing opportunities (I just didn't know it at first). 

During our session the following week, we had a great conversation and I could tell that her mindset had drastically changed around everything going on in her life. She said to me, "Beth, I actually got everything I wanted. Maybe not in the way I had planed but I didn't want to be at my 9-5 anymore and I wanted the drama in my family to stop." 

Here's the thing, she didn't get just that. She has a new found energy to push her in her business (and fast). Sometimes you need to be pushed into a corner so that you have to fight for what you truly want.

Now, this go-getter client of mine is using this time as an opportunity to pour into the launch of her business and put on the finishing touches before it goes live very soon!

Darling, the reality is that unexpected things will happen to us in our lives. You might be made redundant, a loved one could get sick, a client fails to pay. Whatever it is, you get to decided if you're going to wallow in your frustration or if you'll use this moment as an opportunity to come out on top.

I hope you choose the later.

Have you ever gone through an experience like my client? I'd love to know what you did in your situation! 

Business is about to pick up, 

Beth xo

P.S. Need one-on-one support in your business?! I have ONLY two spots left before the price goes up! And, as a brand new bonus, you'll get access to my group program Start-Up Society when you sign up for Private Coaching with me! You'll get double the support! Sign up for a free Discovery Call here to speak with me and see if Private Coaching is a right fit for you! 💕📱