Special Invitation to London Fashion Week!

Dear Darling,

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This morning, I work up to an email from the Canon UK team inviting me to London Fashion Week! You can imagine how thrilled I was! I’ve been dreaming of going to London Fashion Week for years. They thought it would be fun for me to experience London Fashion week from the photographers pit. I was over the moon and excited for such a fabulous opportunity!

Darling, when you make big leaps and are willing to step into the unknown the most amazing opportunities arise. I’m just a girl from Ohio who ended up with an extraordinary life in England!

Unfortunately (but not really!), I’m taking my husband on a surprise getaway to Paris which is during London Fashion Week (Shhh! Don’t tell my husband, he won’t find out till later this month). It’ll be my first time in Paris and a dream come true to make this trip!

I won’t make it to London Fashion Week this year, but I'd like to think that Paris is a reasonable alternative! Today I was reminded of how blessed I am to live the life that I didn’t even know I could have. 

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A few years ago, this sort of things never would’ve happened to me. I always knew I was meant for something BIG but I was a simple midwest girl who didn’t realize she could have more. One trip to London changed my life. Today, I want to remind you that anything is possible! 

Darling, you were created with purpose so don’t be afraid to dream big! 

What are you waiting for? Your dreams are just around the corner!

With style + grace,

Beth xo

P.S. Darling, I'm launching a beta round of my new program all about Instagram at an exclusive low price! Be the first to know by getting on the list here!