If YOU don't, someone else will...

Dear Darling,

I don't share this story often because it's so personal to my growth as an entrepreneur but I feel like it's time to let you in on it…

To start off, you need to understand that I believe we are all created with a unique purpose. Through it we all serve one another. This can be seen through the server who waited your table this weekend, the lawyer working late into the night in New York City (Suites anyone?!), or the college student studying to be a doctor so she can save lives in the future. The point is, the work we do makes an impact on world. 


I always knew I was meant to do something big and leave my mark in one way or another. I had zero clue it would be through coaching!

When I discovered the industry, I was the ripe age of 21. I stepped into the industry by first working under a high-level coach who showed me what it really took to become a 7-figure coach in under 18 months. Although I was learning more than most Business Coaches even know when they start out, I always had that voice inside my head saying, "you're too young" or "you're not qualified."

The sad part is that I listened to that voice.

Even though I was young, I later realized that the root of all of this was fear. About 6 months after launching my own business, while still worked for the high-level coach, a college friend (same age as me) reached out to learn more about coaching. 

At the time she was in network marketing and I told her more about the coaching industry. It seemed like she wanted to pursue coaching but the only thing holding her back was the investment she needed to make in a coach. At this point, I felt like I was one step ahead of her. I knew how the industry worked and what she needed to do to start her business. I even remember her telling me how amazed she was by the launch of my Instagram course and the fact that I actually made money from it! I was crossing my fingers that she'd hire me as her coach (I didn't even pitch to her so of course she didn't hire me)!

A few months later, we hopped on the phone again and she asked me tons of questions about the coach I was working for because she was seriously considering investing in her. I was excited for her because she was going to get the support she needed but I was bummed to miss out on such an ideal client.


Now, here's where thing get rough for me…

My darling friend made a large investment in herself and it paid off. Within a year of launching her coaching business, she made a whomping 6-figures!

I have to be honest, I was so jealous because I knew there wasn't anything different between me and her. I knew the exact steps she took to create the business of her dream but, unlike her, I didn't believe that what I had to offer was enough. 

Today, nothing upset me more than women who aren't confident enough to chase their calling. I sympathize with her because I've been her too but it's my job to push women past the place of fear. Darling, if you're stuck with no confidence and little faith than somethings got to give. 

I truly wish I could get back the time I wasted dabbling in my business. I was one foot ahead but somewhere along the way I fell behind. I don't want that for you and I'm sure you don't either. 

Darling, what can you do today to get ahead?

Have courage & be brave,

Beth xo

P.S. Darling, this time next year, I don't want you to regret not having invested in yourself and business. Think about this, where do you want to be 3, 4 or even 6 months from now? So much can happen in a short span of time! Click here if you want to arrange a call with me to see if private coaching is right for you!