Even 7-FIGURE coaches cry!

Dear Darling,

Most of you know that my coaching journey started when I joined forces with 7-Figure Success Coach, Emily Williams of I Heart My Life. It was quite the experience being on her team and being her Head of Creative. It was an priceless experience and I left with so much knowledge about running a 7-figure company.


There was one thing that really stuck with me from our time together, it was an occasion early this year when Emily was in a place of indecision. She was unsure of what the next step for I Heart My Life was. Deep down inside she was just being called to up-level but was resisting. Darling, I don't say this to embarrass her but to tell you that you're just like the seriously successful women in business!

Emily showed up to one of our weekly meetings with this internal struggle. She was unsure how to best serve her clients next. Was it time launch a membership site or up-level her business with a brand new website (which was going to be huge investment)?

Between gentle sobs, Emily shared with us how she felt pulled many different directions. After hearing her share her heart, I knew exactly what she needed to do but she was the only one who could make the final decision. 

I too have been in that place of indecision. Not knowing what's nexton the agenda or how to best be of service for you tribe. Our team did the best to support her and said that we were there for her 100% whatever direction she decided to go.

She left with our feedback and took some time to make her decision. 

At our next meeting, her confidence was back! 

She was the brilliant Emily that I've come to know and it was clear that she was ready to make the hefty investment on the website that was truly going to up-level her business (and it did). 

And, guess what? When she finally made a decision she was at peace again. 

Darling, what are you currently battling within? 

Maybe it's deciding weather it's time to start the business you've been talking about for years, investing in the coach who's going to help you accomplish your dreams, outsourcing your ads, or maybe it's time to hire a VA? 

Whatever it is, pull the bandaid off, darling. The longer you take, the more it's going to hurt. Clarity comes from action.

Just go for it, 

Beth xo

P.S. Darling, if you're struggle to make a decisions, reach out to your community for support! It's better to struggle together than alone. You're also so welcome to hit reply and chat with me!