Coming to you from Texas...Who are Your People?

Hi darling,

What a week it has been! I know it's been a little while since you've heard from me. I've been in Minnesota, Ohio and I'm currently writing to you from Dallas, Texas! I enjoyed 2 beautiful days with my sweet niece and brother in Minnesota. I was in full bridesmaid mode in Ohio as I married off my best friend to the love of her life! I'm in Dallas chatting Instagram with some amazing entrepreneurs and Instagram creatives!

Today I just wanted to talk a little bit about surrounding yourself with the right people. My coach always says that you're the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. She got this quote from the amazing Jim Rohn. Darling, are you surrounding yourself with the right people?

Last week was my best friends wedding week! My best friend and I have been looking forward to this day for years!! She's always been some sort of super humans. Always highly everything!

When we first became best friends she was there for me when I had a broken heart and I was there for her when she had a broken heart. She was awesome at being single and I was boy crazy. She fought falling in love and I fell quickly. She finally fell in love and she stood by my side when I got married.

Madison is so much of the person I desire to be. She's kind, compassionate, outgoing, loving, thoughtful, respectful, smart, innovative, creative, a leader and always considerate. She's also a bit of a princess (but aren't we all?!). 

A little over a year ago, she married me off to my handsome British husband! But I couldn't have done it without her. There was no one better to help me plan my wedding in my short 2 month engagement! My best friend is a total type A and I'm a totaly type B! We are opposites but love so much of the same things.


The thing that made me fall in love with Madison is her heart. She lives her life with purpose. She believes there is a deeper meaning to life. She believes in the "why." She brings that mindset into her work as an entrepreneur.


Her deeper why is to help others. She's used her kind, compassionate, and thoughtful heart to start the first social media app for charity. Through POINT she has already and will continue to help those in need around the world.

I'm thankful for her friendship because she doesn't just support me as a friend, but she inspires me to never settle but continually aspire for more.

It's easy to get discouraged as a business owner. You carry a lot of responsibility when you're an entrepreneur. Surrounding myself with Madison and many other amazing women has given me the support I've needed to keep going and continue to chase my dreams. 

Who's your Madison? 

To our best friends!

