3 Things You Need to Build a Profitable & Successful Business

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We’ve all heard it:

  • “How I had a $30k launch!”
  • “I’ll teach you how to build a six-figure business in 12 months!”
  • “How to work from anywhere and build a six-figure business"
  • Etc.

We see it on Facebook and ads, in our feeds and inboxes. We sign-up for the free webinars and hope we will get the secret sauce and key to living the same life and achieving the same results. Yet it seems like we never do.

Time and time again I find myself working with women who have beautiful websites, offer services or products but still have ZERO money in the bank. They’re signing up for all the things but struggling to truly build a profitable and successful business. 

After years of working with women entrepreneurs and helping them build their business I have discovered something.

Everybody is teaching the surface things you need to succeed but they are not teaching you the foundational things you need.

Clients come to me wanting help with marketing or getting more clients, but when it comes down to it and we do some digging into their business I realize they have no solid foundation to build upon. And when you don’t have a solid foundation your business will come tumbling down.

I want to share the three things I believe are foundational to building a successful and profitable business.

1. A Business Plan

When I say business plan I'm not just talking about Googling “free business plan template” and downloading the first thing you see. I am talking about really thinking about your business like a CEO, having a vision, knowing exactly where you want to go and how you are going to get there.

2. A Business Model

We all want to make money in our business, the problem is the how. So many entrepreneurs spend their time wanting to get more clients and wondering how they are going to get them. Or they work with clients but by the time they are done they realize that they made no money. That is because you haven’t taken the time to create a business model that will ensure you constantly generate revenue and make a profit. When you have a revenue generating model, you know exactly how you are going to meet your financial goals as well as scale your business.

3. A Strategic Website

Yes, you need a pretty website, but more importantly, you need a strategic one. I can’t tell you how many websites I visit who have no clarity or strategy. And if your website has no strategy and isn’t working for you then it is working against you. A solid website converts clients for you. And if it isn’t doing that, then it isn’t serving it’s purpose. Your website is your online “brick and mortar” and it needs to give your customers the right experience and make the sale.

These are the three things I constantly find myself helping my clients with. As soon as we start getting these things into place they start booking clients, making sales and meeting their financial and business goals. These are the behind the scenes of building a successful (and six-figure) business.

Do you have these foundation things in place? If you don’t, be sure to get them set-up and prepare success and profit in your business!


By Natalia Crawford | Start-up & Online Marketing Coach | Connect with Natalia: WebsiteInstagramFacebook